IC Python API:RLPy RIParticle

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Main article: Modules.
Last modified: 04/9/2020


This class can access the particle systems in the scene and perform particle related operations e.g. naming particle systems, transform emission point. Currently, this class only works for iClone's native particle system, therefore, not compatible with PopcornFX.


RIBase > RIObject > RIParticle 


particle = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Particle, "Robot bomb" )
# set transform key
control = particle.GetControl("Transform")
transform = RLPy.RTransform.IDENTITY
transform.T().x = 100.0
transform.T().y = 100.0
transform.T().z = 100.0
control.SetValue(RLPy.RTime(0), transform)

# set Parent
parent_prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
result = particle.SetParent(parent_prop)
result = particle.SetParent(None) #detach from parent

# link to &  unlink
result = particle.LinkTo(parent_prop, RLPy.RTime(0))
result = particle.UnLink(RLPy.RTime(0))

# set name
particle.SetName( "new_name" )
#get bound
ret_max = RLPy.RVector3()
ret_center = RLPy.RVector3()
ret_min = RLPy.RVector3()
ret = particle.GetBounds( ret_max, ret_center, ret_min )
#get pivot
ret_pos = RLPy.RVector3()
ret_rot = RLPy.RVector3()
particle.GetPivot( ret_pos, ret_rot )
#clone object
clone_particle = particle.Clone()
print( clone_particle )
#is selected
print(particle.IsSelected()) #True

Member Functions

GetEmit ( self )

Get the particle system's emission status.

See Also: SetEmit


True if the particle system is emitting, else False - bool
particle = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Particle, "Robot bomb" )
if particle:
    particle.SetEmit(RLPy.RTime(100), True)
    RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RTime( 100 ))

SetEmit ( self, kTime, bOn )

Set the particle system on or off at a given point in time by setting the Emit key.

See Also: GetEmit


kTime [IN] On / off point in time - RTime
bOn [IN] Set the particle on or off - bool


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
particle = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Particle, "Robot bomb" )
if particle:
    particle.SetEmit(RLPy.RTime(100), True)
    RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RTime( 100 ))