IC Python API:RLPy RTime

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Main article: Modules.

Detailed Description

This class is used to hold and manipulate timing information. Time is stored internally in system as milliseconds. Most API methods that require or return timing information do so through variables of

this type. This class also provide methods to convert between Frame and RTime, such as GetFrameIndex() and IndexedFrameTime(). Use GetFrameTime() can ensure that RTime is on the correct frame.
time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()

# compare time
if time == RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RTime(1000)):
else if time > RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RTime(1000)):
else if time < RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RTime(1000)):

# operator
time += RLPy.RTime(1000)
time -= RLPy.RTime(1000)
time *= 2
time /= 2

# convert between Frame
time = RLPy.RTime(3000)
print(RLPy.RTime.GetFrameIndex(time, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps())) # 180

time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(180, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps())
print(time.GetValue()) # 3000

time = RLPy.RTime(3005)
frame_time = RLPy.RTime.GetFrameTime(time, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps())
print(frame_time.GetValue()) # 3000

Constructor & Destructors


RLPy.RTime.__init__ ( self, args )

Constructor, Initialize a new RTime object with a float value and an unit.


fValue [IN] a float value representing a time - float

eUnit [IN] a time unit - RLPy.Unit

  • RLPy.kInvalid
  • RLPy.kHours not support
  • RLPy.kMinutes not support
  • RLPy.kSeconds not support
  • RLPy.kMilliseconds 1/1000 of a second
  • RLPy.k30FPS not support
  • RLPy.k60FPS 60 frames per second
  • RLPy.kUserDef not support

Member Functions


RLPy.RTime.AsUnits ( self, eUnit )

Returns the current time value in the given units. This does not affect the current units for the instance.


eUnit [IN] a time unit - RLPy.Unit

  • RLPy.kInvalid
  • RLPy.kHours not support
  • RLPy.kMinutes not support
  • RLPy.kSeconds not support
  • RLPy.kMilliseconds 1/1000 of a second
  • RLPy.k30FPS not support
  • RLPy.k60FPS 60 frames per second
  • RLPy.kUserDef not support


The current time value in the given units - float


RLPy.RTime.GetFrameIndex ( kTime, nFps )

Get frame index from frame time.


kTime [IN] the time for this frame - RLPy.RTime

nFps [IN] frames per second - int


The frame index - int


RLPy.RTime.GetFrameTime ( kTime, nFps )

Get frame time from a time. The time of a RTime object may not located exactly on a frame. Call this function to get the closest frame time for this RTime object.


kTime [IN] the time in an animation - RLPy.RTime

nFps [IN] frames per second - int


The frame time - RLPy.RTime


RLPy.RTime.GetUnit ( self )

Get the unit of this RTime object.


The unit of this RTime object - RLPy.Unit
  • RLPy.kInvalid
  • RLPy.kHours not support
  • RLPy.kMinutes not support
  • RLPy.kSeconds not support
  • RLPy.kMilliseconds 1/1000 of a second
  • RLPy.k30FPS not support
  • RLPy.k60FPS 60 frames per second
  • RLPy.kUserDef not support


RLPy.RTime.GetValue ( self )

Get the float value of this RTime object.


The float value of this RTime object - float


RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime ( nFrameIndex, nFps )

Get frame time from frame index.


nFrameIndex [IN] the frame index for this frame time - int

nFps [IN] frames per second - int


The frame time - RLPy.RTime


RLPy.RTime.SetUnit ( self, eUnit )

Set time unit.


eUnit [IN] a time unit - RLPy.Unit

  • RLPy.kInvalid
  • RLPy.kHours not support
  • RLPy.kMinutes not support
  • RLPy.kSeconds not support
  • RLPy.kMilliseconds 1/1000 of a second
  • RLPy.k30FPS not support
  • RLPy.k60FPS 60 frames per second
  • RLPy.kUserDef not support


RLPy.RTime.SetValue ( self, fValue )

Set the float value of a time.


fValue [IN] a float value of a time - float