IC Python API:RLPy RColor

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Last modified: 04/12/2020


Primary color class that stores data for red (R), green (G), and blue (B). The value stored in RColor ranges from 0 to 1, which represents 0 to 255 in color value. You can swtich between these two representations in different ways; For example, the range of values retrieved by R is 0 to 1, and the range of values retrieved by Red is 0 to 255. In addition, preset colors are provided for direct usage:

Constant Value
RLPy.RColor.BLACK RLPy.RColor(0, 0, 0)
RLPy.RColor.WHITE RLPy.RColor(1, 1, 1)
RLPy.RColor.RED RLPy.RColor(1, 0, 0)
RLPy.RColor.GREEN RLPy.RColor(0, 1, 0)
RLPy.RColor.BLUE RLPy.RColor(0, 0, 1)
RLPy.RColor.YELLOW RLPy.RColor(1, 1, 0)
RLPy.RColor.CYAN RLPy.RColor(0, 1, 1)
RLPy.RColor.MAGENTA RLPy.RColor(1, 0, 1)

This class also provides conversions to other color formats:

 1 # create color
 2 color_red1 = RLPy.RColor(1,0,0,1)
 3 color_red2 = RLPy.RColor()
 4 color_red2.From(255,0,0,255)
 5 color_red3 = RLPy.RColor.RED_ALPHA
 7 # print color
 8 print( color_red1.R() )		# 1
 9 print( color_red1.Red() )	# 255
11 # convert different format
12 print(hex(color1.ToXRGB()))	# 0xff0000
13 print(hex(color1.ToCOLORREF()))# 0xff

See Also: RRgb

Member Functions

A ( self, args )

Get the alpha value of this color (0-1).

See Also: Alpha


Value for the alpha channel - float [0,1]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,0,1,1)
2 print( color1.A() )		# 1

AdjustHSBC ( self, fHue, fSaturate, fBrightness, fContrast, bInvert )

Use HSBC to adjust this color. H stands for hue, S stands for saturation, B for brightness, and C for contrast. The HSBC values range from 0 to 1. If the invert option is true, then the output RGB color will be inverted (1-R, 1-G, 1-B), otherwise known as complementary color.

See Also: B


fHue [IN] Hue - float [0,1]
fSaturate [IN] Saturate - float [0,1]
fBrightness [IN] Brightness - float [0,1]
fContrast [IN] Contrast - float [0,1]
bInvert [IN] Whether to invert - bool
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor()
2 color1.AdjustHSBC(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, False)

AdjustRGBA ( self, fRed, fGreen, fBlue, fAlpha, bInvert )

Use RGBA (red, Green, Blue, alpha) to adjust this color. The RGBA values range from 0 to 1. When the invert option is true, then the output RGB color will be inverted (1-R, 1-G, 1-B), otherwise known as complementary color.


fRed [IN] Red - float [0,1]
fGreen [IN] Green - float [0,1]
fBlue [IN] Blue - float [0,1]
fAlpha [IN] Alpha - float [0,1]
bInvert [IN] Whether to invert - bool
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor()
2 color1.AdjustRGBA(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, False)

Alpha ( self )

Get the alpha value of this color (0-255).

See Also: A


Value of the alpha channel - int [0,255]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,0,1,1)
2 print( color1.Alpha() )		# 255

B ( self, args )

Get the blue value of this color (0-1).

See Also: Blue


Value for the blue channel - float [0,1]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,0,1,1)
2 print( color1.B() )		# 1

Blue ( self, args )

Get the blue value of this color (0-255).

See Also: B


Value for the blue channel - float [0,255]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,0,1,1)
2 print( color1.Blue() )		# 255

From ( self, r, g, b, a )

Adjust color using 32 bit (0-255).


r [IN] Red value - int [0,255]
g [IN] Green value - int [0,255]
b [IN] Blue value - int [0,255]


Changed color - RColor
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor()
2 color1.From(255,0,0,255)

FromARGB ( self, arg2 )

Adjust color using ARGB (0xaarrggbb).


arg2 [IN] ARGB value.


Changed color - RColor
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor()
2 color1.FromARGB(int('ff0000ff',16))

FromCOLORREF ( self, arg2 )

Adjust color using COLORREF (0xbbggrr).


arg2 [IN] COLORREF data


Changed color - RColor
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor()
2 color1.FromCOLORREF(int('ff0000',16))

FromHSL( self, fHue, fStaurate, fLevel )

Adjust color using HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness).


fHue [IN] Hue - float [0,1]
fSaturate [IN] Saturation - float [0,1]
fLevel [IN] Lightness - float [0,1]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor()
2 color1.FromHSL(0.5,0.5,0.5)

G ( self, args )

Get the green value of this color (0-1).

See Also: Green


Green value of this color - float [0,1]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,1,0,1)
2 print( color1.G() )		# 1

GammaCorrect ( self, fGamma )

Output this color with gamma correction.


Gamma corrected color - RColor
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0.5,0,0,1)
2 print( color1.GammaCorrect() )	# RGBA(0.73,0,0,1)

Green ( self )

Get the green value of this color (0-255).

See Also: G


Green value of this color (0-255) - int
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,1,0,1)
2 print( color1.Green() )		# 1

Normalize( self )

Normalize RGB values so that their sum equals 1.


Normalized color - RColor
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0,1,0,1)
2 color1.Normalize()		# (0, 0.5, 0, 0.5)

R ( self, args )

Get the red value of this color (0-1).

See Also: Red


Red value of this color - float [0,1]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(1,0,0,1)
2 print( color1.R() )		# 1

Red ( self )

Get the red value of this color (0-255).

See Also: R


Red value of this color - int [0,255]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(1,0,0,1)
2 print( color1.Red() )		# 255

Saturate ( self )

Clamp the RGB values to a range of 0 and 1. Values under 0 will become 0, and values over 1 will become 1.


This color saturated - RColor
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(1.2,-0.3,0.5, 1.0)
2 color1.Saturate()		# (1, 0, 0.5, 1.0)

ToARGB ( self )

Output ARGB data from this color (0xaarrggbb).

See Also: FromARGB


ARGB color data - int
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0, 0, 1, 1)
2 print( int(color1.ToARGB()) )		# 0xffff0000

ToARGB ( self )

Output ARGB data from this color (0xaarrggbb).


ARGB color data - int

See Also: FromARGB

1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0, 0, 1, 1)
2 print( int(color1.ToARGB()) )		# 0xffff0000

ToCOLORREF ( self )

Output COLORREF data from this color (0xbbggrr).

See Also: FromCOLORREF


COLORREF color data - int
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0, 0, 1, 1)
2 print( int(color1.ToCOLORREF()) )		# 0xff0000

ToGrayScale ( self )

Output grayscale data from this color (0-1).


Grayscale data - float [0,1]
1 color1 = RLPy.RColor(0, 0, 1, 1)
2 print( color1.ToGrayScale() )		# 0.11400000005960464