IC Python API:RLPy RControl

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Last modified: 05/5/2020


Controllers are used to manage animations and create animation effects, which will give a key value when fed a time. This is the base class for all controller related classes which are distinguished according to different data types that they record and deal with: RTransformControl dealing with transform data types and RFloatControl for float data types. Controllers mainly use key-frames to record animations and create keys; and has the ability to interpolate values between keys.

Use GetKeyCount, GetKeyIndex, GetKeyTimeAt, and MaxControlTime to retrieve key data within controllers. Use AddKey, ClearKeys, MoveKey, RemoveKey, and RemoveKeyAt to delete or change key data. Additional functions are available for managing key transition data.


RControl > RFloatControl | RTransformControl 

Member Functions

AddKey ( self, pKey, fFps )

Create a new key data at the designated time. If a key already exists at the given time, then it is replaced.

See Also: ClearKeys, RemoveKey, RemoveKeyAt


pKey [IN] Data for the new Key - RKey
fFps [IN] Frame per second - float


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # add key
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 key = RLPy.RTransformKey()
4 key.SetTime(RLPy.RTime(0))
5 key.SetTransform(RLPy.RTransform.IDENTITY)
6 control.AddKey(key, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps())

ClearKeys ( self )

Remove all keys on this controller.

See Also: RemoveKey, RemoveKeyAt, AddKey


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # clear key
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 control.ClearKeys()
4 print(control.HasKeys())        # False

Clone ( self )

Copy this controller and return a duplicate.


The duplicated controller - RControl
1 # clone control
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 cloned_control = control.Clone()

GetDataBlock ( self )

Get the data block on this controller.


The controller's data block - RDataBlock
1 # get datablock
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 datablock = control.GetDataBlock()

GetKeyCount ( self )

Get the total number of keys in this controller. To check for existence of a key use Haskey() instead.

See Also: HasKeys


Total number of keys in this controller - integer
1 # get key count
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 key_count = control.GetKeyCount();

GetKeyIndex ( self, kTime, nIndex )

Get the key index at a given time (starting from 0). If the controller does not contain key data or the corresponding key is not found then return RStatus.Failure.

See Also: GetKeyTimeAt


kTime [IN] The specified time - RTime
nIdx [OUT] Returns the Key index - integer


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # get key count
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 key_index = -1
4 ret_list = control.GetKeyIndex(RLPy.RTime(1000), key_index)
5 key_index = ret_list[1]
6 print(key_index)

GetKeyTimeAt ( self, uIndex, kTime )

Get the key time at a given key index.

See Also: GetKeyIndex


uIndex [IN] Key Index (Index value starts from zero) - integer
kTime [OUT] Return the Key’s time value - RTime


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # get key time
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 time = RLPy.RTime()
4 control.GetKeyTimeAt(1, time)
5 print(time.GetValue())

GetKeyTransitionStrength ( self, kTime )

Get the transition strength on this controller at a given time.

See Also: GetKeyTransitionStrength, RKey.SetTransitionStrength()


kTime [IN] Specified time - RTime


Key transition strength (default:50) - float [0,100]
1 # get transition strength
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 Strength = control.GetKeyTransitionStrength(RLPy.RTime(0))

GetKeyTransitionType ( self, kTime )

Get the transition type on this controller at a given time.

See Also: SetKeyTransition, RKey.GetTransitionType()


kTime [IN] Specified time - RTime


Returns the Transition type - RLPy.ETransitionType
1 # get transition type
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 transition_type = control.GetKeyTransitionType(RLPy.RTime(0))
4 if transition_type == RLPy.ETransitionType_Step:
5     print("Transition Type: Step")

HasKeys ( self )

Check if this controller has a key.

See Also: GetKeyCount


True if the control has at least one key, else False.
1 # get transition strength
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 has_key = control.HasKeys();

MaxControlTime ( self )

Get this controller's final key time. If a key does not exist then return 0.


The maximum time of the control - RTime
1 # get last key time
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 key_time = control.MaxControlTime();

MoveKey ( self, kTime, kOffsetTime )

Offset an animation key at a given time by a duration. The offset key will replace any existing key at the new position.


kTime [IN] Specified time - RTime
kOffsetTime [IN] Offset the Key by a specified time - RTime


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # move key
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
4 control.MoveKey(RLPy.RTime(0), RLPy.RTime(100))
5 control.GetKeyAt(0, key1)
6 print(key1.GetTime().GetValue())    #100

RemoveKey ( self, kTime )

Remove an animation key at a given time.

See Also: ClearKeys, RemoveKeyAt


kTime [IN] Specified time - RTime


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # remove key
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 control.RemoveKey(RLPy.RTime(100))
4 print(control.GetKeyCount())

RemoveKeyAt ( self, nIndex )

Remove an animation key by index.

See Also: ClearKeys, RemoveKey


nIndex [IN] Key index (starts from 0) - integer


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # remove key
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 control.RemoveKey(RLPy.RTime(100))

SetKeyTransition ( self, kTime, eType, fStrength )

Set the transition type and strength of a key at a given time.

See Also: GetKeyTransitionType, GetKeyTransitionStrength


kTime [IN] Specified time - RTime
eType [IN] Transition Type.
fStrength [IN] Transition strength (default: 50) - float [0,100]


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # set transition
2 control = avatar.GetControl("Transform") 
3 control.SetKeyTransition(RLPy.RTime(1000), RLPy.ETransitionType_Step, 1.0)