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m (Constructor & Destructor)
m (Constructors & Destructors)
Line 60: Line 60:
b = RLPy.RVector2(a)
b = RLPy.RVector2(a)
=== == ===
The “equal to” operator.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = a
print(a == b)                        #True
=== != ===
The “not equal to” operator.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2()
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
print(a != b)                        #True
=== < ===
The “less than” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較小就回傳 true, 比較大就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 false.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
print(a < b)                      #True
print(b < c)                      #True
print(a < d)                      #False
=== > ===
The “greater than” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較大就回傳 true, 比較小就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 false.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
print(b > a)                      #True
print(c > b)                      #True
print(d > a)                      #False
=== <= ===
The “less than or equal to” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較小就回傳 true, 比較大就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 true.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
print(a <= b)                      #True
print(b <= c)                      #True
print(a <= d)                      #True
=== >= ===
The “greater than or equal to” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較大就回傳 true, 比較小就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 true.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
print(b >= a)                      #True
print(c >= b)                      #True
print(d >= a)                      #True
=== + ===
The “addition” operator. Perform 2D vector addition.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
c = a + b
print(str(c.x) + ', ' + str(c.y))      #1.0, 3.0
=== - ===
The “subtraction” operator. Perform 2D vector subtraction.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 3)
c = b - a
print(str(c.x) + ', ' + str(c.y))      #1.0, 2.0
=== * ===
The “multiplication” operator. 當第二個運算元是scalar (int or float)時, perform 2D vector multiplication with scalar. 當第二個運算元是 RVector2 時則會把對應元素相乘.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = a * 2
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
d = a * c
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))      #2.0, 4.0
print(str(d.x) + ', ' + str(d.y))      #2.0, 6.0
=== / ===
The “division” operator. 當第二個運算元是scalar (int or float)時, perform 2D vector multiplication with scalar (multiply with 1/2nd-operand). 當第二個運算元是 RVector2 時則會把對應元素相除.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = a / 2
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
d = a / c
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))  #0.5, 1.0
print(str(d.x) + ', ' + str(d.y))  #0.5, 0.6666666865348816
=== - ===
The “unary minus” operator. Inverse the sign of each element.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = -a
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))      #-1.0, -2.0
=== += ===
The “addition assignment” operator.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a += b
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))      #1.0, 3.0
=== -= ===
The “subtraction assignment” operator.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a -= b
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))      #-1.0, -1.0
=== *= ===
The “multiplication assignment” operator. 計算方式請參考 * 運算子.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a *= 2
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
b *= c
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))    #2.0, 4.0
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))    #2.0, 6.0
=== /= ===
The “division assignment” operator. 計算方式請參考 / 運算子.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a /= 2
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
b /= c
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))    #0.5, 1.0
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))    #0.5, 0.6666666865348816

Revision as of 21:56, 19 February 2020

Main article: Modules.


2D Vector math class for float values. This class provides access to RLPy's internal vector math library allowing vectors to be handled effortlessly, and in a manner compatible with internal RLPy data structures. It also supports operators and vector related functions.

RVector2 also provides some constants for your convenience:

Constant Description
RVector2.ZERO 2D zero vector: (0, 0)
RVector2.UNIT_X 2D x unit vector: (1, 0)
RVector2.UNIT_Y 2D y unit vector: (0, 1)
RVector2.UNIT_XY 2D vector: (1, 1)

Constructors & Destructors


Initialize a new RVector2 object as a 2D zero vector: (0, 0).

a = RLPy.RVector2()

__init__( self, x, y )

Initialize a new RVector2 object as a 2D vector: (x, y).

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)


x [IN] a numerical value for x coordinate - float or int
y [IN] a numerical value for y coordinate - float or int

__init__( self, args )

Initialize a new RVector2 object with another RVector2 object: args. This new RVector2 object has the same value as args.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = RLPy.RVector2(a)



The “equal to” operator.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = a
print(a == b)                         #True


The “not equal to” operator.

a = RLPy.RVector2()
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
print(a != b)                         #True


The “less than” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較小就回傳 true, 比較大就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 false.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)

print(a < b)                       #True
print(b < c)                       #True
print(a < d)                       #False


The “greater than” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較大就回傳 true, 比較小就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 false.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)

print(b > a)                       #True
print(c > b)                       #True
print(d > a)                       #False


The “less than or equal to” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較小就回傳 true, 比較大就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 true.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)

print(a <= b)                      #True
print(b <= c)                      #True
print(a <= d)                      #True


The “greater than or equal to” operator. 這個運算子作用在 RVector2 的比對方式類似字串比對. 先比對一個元素(x), 比較大就回傳 true, 比較小就回傳 false, 如果數值一樣就繼續比對第二個元素(y), 比對方式與第一個元素相同, 但如果數值一樣就回傳 true.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)
b = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
c = RLPy.RVector2(1, 0)
d = RLPy.RVector2(0, 0)

print(b >= a)                       #True
print(c >= b)                       #True
print(d >= a)                       #True


The “addition” operator. Perform 2D vector addition.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
c = a + b
print(str(c.x) + ', ' + str(c.y))       #1.0, 3.0


The “subtraction” operator. Perform 2D vector subtraction.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 3)
c = b - a 
print(str(c.x) + ', ' + str(c.y))       #1.0, 2.0


The “multiplication” operator. 當第二個運算元是scalar (int or float)時, perform 2D vector multiplication with scalar. 當第二個運算元是 RVector2 時則會把對應元素相乘.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = a * 2
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
d = a * c
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))      #2.0, 4.0
print(str(d.x) + ', ' + str(d.y))      #2.0, 6.0


The “division” operator. 當第二個運算元是scalar (int or float)時, perform 2D vector multiplication with scalar (multiply with 1/2nd-operand). 當第二個運算元是 RVector2 時則會把對應元素相除.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = a / 2
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
d = a / c
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))   #0.5, 1.0
print(str(d.x) + ', ' + str(d.y))   #0.5, 0.6666666865348816


The “unary minus” operator. Inverse the sign of each element.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
b = -a
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))      #-1.0, -2.0


The “addition assignment” operator.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a += b
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))      #1.0, 3.0


The “subtraction assignment” operator.

a = RLPy.RVector2(0, 1)
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a -= b
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))      #-1.0, -1.0


The “multiplication assignment” operator. 計算方式請參考 * 運算子.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a *= 2
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
b *= c
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))     #2.0, 4.0
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))     #2.0, 6.0


The “division assignment” operator. 計算方式請參考 / 運算子.

a = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
a /= 2
b = RLPy.RVector2(1, 2)
c = RLPy.RVector2(2, 3)
b /= c
print(str(a.x) + ', ' + str(a.y))     #0.5, 1.0
print(str(b.x) + ', ' + str(b.y))     #0.5, 0.6666666865348816

Member Functions


RLPy.RVector2.AddWithWeight ( self, vSrc, fWeight )

Add a vector with weight.


vSrc [IN] The vector to add - RLPy.RVector2

fWeight [IN] The value of weight - float


RLPy.RVector2.Dot ( self, vV )

Calculate dot production of the two vectors.


vV [IN] The vector - RLPy.RVector2


The value of the dot production - float


RLPy.RVector2.Inverse ( self )

Inverse this vector.


The inversed vector - RLPy.RVector2


RLPy.RVector2.Length ( self )

Length of the vector.


The length of this vector - float


RLPy.RVector2.Normalize ( self )

Normalizes this vector.


The normalized vector - float


RLPy.RVector2.SetX ( self, tX )

Set the value of the x-axis.


tX [IN] the value of the x-axis - float


RLPy.RVector2.SetY ( self, tY )

Set the value of the y-axis.


tX [IN] the value of the y-axis.


RLPy.RVector2.SquaredLength ( self )

Squared length of the vector.


The squared length of this vector - float


RLPy.RVector2.X ( self, args )

Get the value of the x-axis.


The value of the x-axis - float


RLPy.RVector2.Y ( self, args )

Get the value of the y-axis.


The value of the y-axis - float