IC Python API:Rotation Math
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This article will go some recipes for common 3D rotational math. You'll find this helpful if you need to perform spacial calculations.
Matrix3 to Euler Angles
Converts matrix rotational data (3x3 matrix) to euler rotational data (radians).
def matrix3_to_eulerAngle(matrix3):
x = y = z = 0
a = matrix3.ToEulerAngle(RLPy.EEulerOrder_XYZ, x, y, z)
return RLPy.RVector3(a[0], a[1], a[2])
Quaternion to Matrix
Converts quaternion rotational data to matrix rotational data (3x3 matrix).
def quaternion_to_matrix(quaterion):
matrix4 = RLPy.RMatrix4()
matrix3 = quaterion.ToRotationMatrix()
return matrix4
From to Rotation
Creates a rotation which rotates from one direction to another direction. Usually you use this to rotate a transform so that one of its axes e.g. the y-axis follows a target direction in world-space.
def from_to_rotation(from_vector, to_vector):
# Points the from axis towards the to vector, returns a Quaternion
result = RLPy.RQuaternion()
up_axis = RLPy.RVector3(RLPy.RVector3.UNIT_Z)
angle = RLPy.RMath_ACos(from_vector.Dot(to_vector))
if RLPy.RMath.AlmostZero(angle - RLPy.RMath.CONST_PI) or RLPy.RMath.AlmostZero(angle):
result.FromAxisAngle(up_axis, angle)
normal = from_vector.Cross(to_vector)
result.FromAxisAngle(normal, angle)
return result