IC Python API:RLPy RIVisemeComponent

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Last modified: 04/22/2020


This class provides viseme related operations including reading an audio source and creating a viseme clip out of it. It can also add and remove keys from the viseme clip as well as provide Text-to-Speech capabilities. A viseme track within the timeline will show viseme clips and mouth shapes (viseme keys). The lip options track also includes the viseme smooth clip which can be used to smooth out the transition between the different mouth shapes in the event of a lip-sync animation.

Viseme keys in the "Lips" track.

Member Functions

LoadVocal ( self, pAudio, kStartTime, strClipName )

Create a viseme clip for this character with a given audio source.


pAudio [IN] Audio source object - RIAudioObject
kStartTime [IN] Clip start time - RTime
strClipName [IN] Clip name - str


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get avatar viseme component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
 6 # Load vocal with create audio object
 7 audio = RLPy.RAudio.CreateAudioObject()
 8 audio_path = "./SpecialDay.wav"
 9 start_time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()
10 RLPy.RAudio.LoadAudioToObject(avatar, audio_path, start_time)
11 clip_name = "Default"
12 result = viseme_component.LoadVocal(audio, start_time, clip_name)
14 # Load vocal with audio recorder
15 audio_recorder = RLPy.RAudioRecorder()
16 audio_recorder.Start()
17 audio_recorder.Stop()
18 audio_source = audio_recorder.GetAudio()
19 start_time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()
20 clip_name = "Default"
21 result = viseme_component.LoadVocal(audio_source, start_time, clip_name)

AddVisemeOptionClip ( self, kSmoothOption, kStartTime, strClipName )

Add a viseme smooth settings clip to the character. If a viseme clip does not exist at the start time, then a viseme smooth clip will not be deployed.


kSmoothOption [IN] Viseme smooth option - RVisemeSmoothOption
kStartTime [IN] Clip start time - RTime
strClipName [IN] Clip name - str


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get avatar viseme component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
 6 # Add viseme option clip
 7 smooth_option = RLPy.RVisemeSmoothOption()
 8 smooth_option.SetStrengthEnable(True, True, True)
 9 smooth_option.SetStrengthValue(0, 0, 1)
10 start_time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()
11 clip_name = "Default"
12 result = viseme_component.AddVisemeOptionClip(smooth_option, start_time, clip_name)

AddVisemeKey ( self, kKey )

Add a viseme key inside the current viseme clip. If the strength value of the viseme key lies outside of the range (0-100), or if a viseme clip does not exist then return RLPy.RStatus.Failure.

See Also: RemoveVisemesKey


kKey [IN] The viseme key to be added. - RVisemeKey


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get avatar viseme component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
 6 # Add viseme key
 7 Key = RLPy.RVisemeKey()
 8 key.SetTime(RLPy.RTime(0))
 9 key.SetID(RLPy.EVisemeID_AH)
10 key.SetWeight(50)
11 result = viseme_component.AddVisemeKey(key)

AddVisemesClip ( self, kTime, nClipName, kClipLength )

Add an empty viseme clip to the character.

See Also: RemoveVisemesClip


kTime [IN] Clip start time - RTime
nClipName [IN] Clip name - str
kClipLength [IN] Clip length - RTime


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get avatar viseme component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
 6 # Add visemes clip
 7 clip_start_time = RLPy.RTime(150)
 8 clip_name = "Clip1"
 9 clip_length = RLPy.RTime(500)
10 result = viseme_component.AddVisemesClip(clip_start_time, clip_name, clip_length)

RemoveVisemesClip ( self, kTime )

Remove a viseme clip on the character at the requested time. If a viseme clip does not exist at the given time then return RLPy.RStatus.Failure.

See Also: AddVisemesClip


kTime [IN] Delete viseme clip at the specified time - RTime


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Remove a viseme clip at 1000 ms
7 result = viseme_component.RemoveVisemesClip(RLPy.RTime(1000))

RemoveVisemesKey ( self, kKey )

Delete a viseme key within a viseme clip at the given time. If a viseme clip is missing or a viseme key does not exist at the given time, then return RLPy.RStatus.Failure.


kTime [IN] Delete the key at the specified time within a viseme clip - RTime


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get avatar viseme component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
 6 # Remove visemes key
 7 key = RLPy.RVisemeKey()
 8 key.SetTime(RLPy.RTime(300))
 9 key.SetID(RLPy.EVisemeID_AH)
10 key.SetWeight(80)
11 result = viseme_component.RemoveVisemesKey(key)

GetVisemeMorphWeights ( self )

Get all of the viseme morph weights on this character.


Viseme morph weights - float list

1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Get viseme morph weights
7 viseme_weights = viseme_component .GetVisemeMorphWeights()

GetVisemeBones ( self )

Get all of the viseme bone joints on this character.


Return all of the viseme bone joints - RINode list

1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Get viseme bones
7 viseme_bones = viseme_component.GetVisemeBones()

GetVisemeKeys ( self )

Get all the viseme keys inside all of the viseme clips on this character.

See Also: GetVisemeKey


All of the viseme keys of all the viseme clips - RVisemeKey list

1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Get viseme keys
7 viseme_key_list = viseme_component.GetVisemeKeys()

GetVisemeKey ( self, kTime, kKey )

Get the viseme key for the given time. If a viseme clip does not exist then return RLPy.RStatus.Failure.

See Also: GetVisemeKeys


kTime [IN] Query the viseme key at the specified time - RTime
kKey [OUT] Viseme key at the specified time - RVisemeKey


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Get viseme key
7 ret_key = RLPy.RVisemeKey()
8 result = viseme_component.GetVisemeKey(RLPy.RTime(0), ret_key)

TextToSpeech ( self, strContent, eLanguage, fVolume, fPitch, fSpeed )

Create a viseme clip from script processed through text-to-speech;

See Also: TextToVisemeData


strContent [IN] Content of speech - string
eLanguage [IN] Language of speech system. - RLPy.ELanguage enum
  • RLPy.ELanguage_TW - The input text is in the Chinese language family.
  • RLPy.ELanguage_US - The input text is in the English language family.
fVolume [IN] Settings of Volume [0.0,100.0]
fPitch [IN] Settings of Pitch [0.0,100.0]
fSpeed [IN] Settings of Speed [0.0,100.0]


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Text to speech
7 result = viseme_component.TextToSpeech("speech", RLPy.ELanguage_US, 100, 50, 50)

TextToVisemeData ( self, strContent, fVolume, fPitch, fSpeed )

When this character is provided a script processed by Text-To-Speech (TTS); Use this function can retrieve all the viseme IDs along with their corresponding times.

See Also: TextToSpeech


strContent [IN] Content of speech.
fVolume [IN] Settings of Volume [0.0,100.0]
fPitch [IN] Settings of Pitch [0.0,100.0]
fSpeed [IN] Settings of Speed [0.0,100.0]


All viseme IDs along with their corresponding times.

1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Text to viseme data
7 result = viseme_component.TextToVisemeData("speech", 100, 50, 50)

GetStrength ( self )

Get the viseme strength value.


Viseme strength value - float

1 # Get avatar viseme component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 viseme_component = avatar.GetVisemeComponent()
6 # Get viseme strength
7 strength = viseme_component.GetStrength()