IC Python API:Uses and Capabilities

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Main article: iClone Python API.

The iClone Python API helps you to extend and customize iClone, and more easily integrate it into a Python-based pipeline. It provides a bridge between iClone and Python libraries and Python tools. The Python SDK is built on top of the iClone C++ SDK, and you can access a subset of the iClone API from Python scripts and execute them in iClone.

Change Log

The sections below are expandable and are organized according to module and application version history.


iC 7.8 ( 07/21/2020 )


iC 7.71 ( 12/05/2019 - 12/18/2019 )


iC 7.7 ( 08/08/2019 - 11/05/2019 )


iC 7.6 (07/05/2019 - 07/29/2019)


iC 7.5 ( 04/08/2019 - 07/01/2019 )


iC 7.4x ( 02/15/2019 - 02/27/2019 )


iC 7.4x ( 01/17/2019 - 01/31/2019 )


iC 7.4x


As the iClone Python API continues to evolve, limitations may expand or contract over time. Below are lists of iClone Python API's currently known limitations. This list is not exhaustive.

Inoperable Assets

The following items can not be manipulated and acted upon with Python scripting:

  • SpeedTrees
  • Substance Materials
  • Textures Images
  • Constraints: Path, Spring, LookAt, Physics, etc.
  • Physics (Soft & Rigid)
  • IK end-effectors (control attached props instead to drive IK reach)
  • Mesh level components: vertices, edges, faces, etc.
  • Preview camera

Unsupported Operations

The following operations are not available via Python scripting:

  • Saving iClone formats: iProjects, iAvatars, iProps, etc.
  • Pixel operations: multiply, add, overlay, etc.
  • Image processing: Brightness, Hue, Saturation, Sharpen, Soften, Blend, etc.
  • Render parameter settings (Project settings can not be changed)
  • Facial lip-sync keying
  • Preference settings
  • Attach/Detach: changing object parent-child relation
  • Align motion/character root alignment
  • Modeling operations: manipulation of mesh components