IC Python API:RLPy RScene
[hide]- 1 Description
- 2 Member Functions
- Main article: Modules.
- Last modified: 04/14/2020
An animation project will usually contain all sorts of objects, such as characters, props, lights, cameras, particle systems, etc. The RScene class is used to manage these objects in the scene. It provides many functions for users to find and access these objects. RScene is a static class that can be used directly without having to create an instance. This class provides functions for finding objects by name or type, deleting object, showing / hiding objects, getting and setting selected object, and so on.
See Also: RIObject, RIAvatar, RIProp
Member Functions
ClearSelectObjects ( )
Deselect everything in the scene.
1 RLPy.RScene.ClearSelectObjects()
FindObject ( eType, strName )
Searches for an object by name and type. Returns the first object that fulfills the search criteria.
- eType [IN] Object type - RLPy.EObjectType
- RLPy.EObjectType_Object
- RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar
- RLPy.EObjectType_Prop
- RLPy.EObjectType_Camera
- RLPy.EObjectType_Particle
- RLPy.EObjectType_Light
- RLPy.EObjectType_SpotLight
- RLPy.EObjectType_PointLight
- RLPy.EObjectType_DirectionalLight
- strName [IN] Object name - string
- First object that fulfills the search criteria - RIObject
1 # find avatar
2 avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, "avatar_name" )
3 print(type(avatar)) #RLPy.RIAvatar
4 # find prop
5 prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "prop_name" )
6 print(type(prop)) #RLPy.RIProp
7 # find camera
8 camera = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Camera, "camera_name" )
9 print(type(camera)) #RLPy.RICamera
10 # find particle
11 particle = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Particle, "particle_name" )
12 print(type(particle)) #RLPy.RIParticle
FindObjects ( args )
Searches for all objects that match by name and type.
See Also: FindObject
- eType [IN] Object type - RLPy.EObjectType
- RLPy.EObjectType_Object
- RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar
- RLPy.EObjectType_Prop
- RLPy.EObjectType_Camera
- RLPy.EObjectType_Particle
- RLPy.EObjectType_Light
- RLPy.EObjectType_SpotLight
- RLPy.EObjectType_PointLight
- RLPy.EObjectType_DirectionalLight
- strName [IN] Object name - string
- All objects that fullfill the search criteria - RIObject list
1 props = RLPy.RScene.FindObjects( RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "prop_name" )
GetAvatars ( eAvatarType )
Get all the characters in the scene. The search results can be filtered by avatar type.
See Also: FindObject, FindObjects
- eAvatarType [IN] Character type - RLPy.EAvatarType
- RLPy.EAvatarType_Standard
- RLPy.EAvatarType_NonStandard
- RLPy.EAvatarType_NonHuman
- RLPy.EAvatarType_StandardSeries
- RLPy.EAvatarType_All
- All avatars that fulfill the search criteria - RIAvatar list
1 # Find standard avatars
2 avatars = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars( RLPy.EAvatarType_Standard )
4 # Find avatars and props
5 result = RLPy.RScene.FindObjects( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar | RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "same_name" )
6 print(len(result))
7 for i in range(len(result)):
8 print(type(result[i])) #RLPy.RIAvatar or IC_Python_API:RLPy_RIProp|RIProp
10 result = RLPy.RScene.FindObjects( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar | RLPy.EObjectType_Prop )
11 print(len(result)) # All avatars and props
GetProps ( )
Get all the props in the scene.
See Also: FindObject, FindObjects
- All props - RIObject list
1 props = RLPy.RScene.GetProps()
GetSelectedObjects ( )
Get all the selected object in the scene. If no objects are selected then return an empty list.
See Also: SelectObject, SelectObjects, ClearSelectObjects
- All selected objects - RIObject list
1 # get selected objects
2 selection_list = RLPy.RScene.GetSelectedObjects()
3 print(selection_list) #print selected objects
Hide ( spObject )
Hide an object in the scene.
See Also: Show
- spObject [IN] Object to be hidden - RIObject
1 avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, "name" )
2 RLPy.RScene.Hide(avatar)
RemoveObject ( spObject )
Remove an object from the scene.
See Also: Show
- spObject [IN] Object for removal - RIObject
- Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
- Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, "name" )
2 RLPy.RScene.RemoveObject(avatar)
SelectObject ( spObject )
Select an object in the scene.
See Also: SelectObjects, ClearSelectObjects, GetSelectedObjects
- spObject [IN] Object to be selected - RIObject
- Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
- Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, "name" )
2 RLPy.RScene.SelectObject(avatar)
SelectObjects ( kObjects )
Select several objects in the scene.
See Also: SelectObject, ClearSelectObjects, GetSelectedObjects
- kObjects [IN] Objects for seletion - RIObject list
- Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
- Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 avatars = RLPy.RScene.FindObjects( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar )
2 RLPy.RScene.SelectObjects(avatars)
Show ( spObject )
Display an object in the scene.
See Also: Hide
- spObject [IN] Object to be shown - RIObject
1 avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject( RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, "name" )
2 RLPy.RScene.Show(avatar)