IC Python API:RLPy RGlobal
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- Main article: System Module.
Class in RLPy / Inherits from: _object
This class provides many of the common API global functions.
Member Functions
Function | Syntax | Description | Examples |
GetProjectLength | def RLPy.RGlobal.GetProjectLength()
Get the length of the project in milliseconds. | Fetch the current frame time in milliseconds: import RLPy
# Put the current frame time into a variable.
time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()
# Return the current frame time in milliseconds.
GetFps | def RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps()
Get frames per second. | Get the project frames per second. import RLPy
# Get frames per second
GetPath | def RLPy.RGlobal.GetPath(ePath, strPath)
Get iClone related path locations.
Path locations is an enumeration: RLPy.EPathType_Temp Temporary folder. RLPy.EPathType_TemplateContent Template content folder. RLPy.EPathType_CustomContent Custom content folder. RLPy.EPathType_ProgramDefault Program default folder. RLPy.EPathType_Morph Morph data folder. RLPy.EPathType_CreateFace CreateFace data folder. RLPy.EPathType_Puppet Puppet data folder. RLPy.EPathType_FacialLayer Facial layer data folder. RLPy.EPathType_ShareTemplateContent Shared template content folder. RLPy.EPathType_Thumb Thumbnail folder. RLPy.EPathType_Image Image folder. RLPy.EPathType_CreatorAssets Creator assets folder. RLPy.EPathType_Resource Resource folder. RLPy.EPathType_FacialSystem Facial system folder. RLPy.EPathType_CustomWidget Custom widget folder. RLPy.EPathType_iCloneAssets iClone assets folder. |
Print out a few path locations. import RLPy
temp = ""
ret_list = RLPy.RGlobal.GetPath(RLPy.EPathType_Temp, temp)
print("Temp folder: "+ret_list[1])
# Temp folder: C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Temp\iClone7Temp\iClone7Temp\
ret_list = RLPy.RGlobal.GetPath(RLPy.EPathType_TemplateContent, temp)
print("Template content folder: "+ret_list[1])
# Template content folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\iClone 7 Template
ret_list = RLPy.RGlobal.GetPath(RLPy.EPathType_CustomContent, temp)
print("Custom content folder: "+ret_list[1])
# Custom content folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Custom\iClone 7 Custom
ret_list = RLPy.RGlobal.GetPath(RLPy.EPathType_ProgramDefault, temp)
print("Program default folder: "+ret_list[1])
# Program default folder: C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 7\Program\Default\