IC Python API:RLPy RIProp

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Main article: Modules.
Last modified: 04/5/2020


RIProp can be used to access basic information of prop objects and obtain the control or components of the prop to modify its the transform values and materials.

Inheritance: RIBase > RIObject > RIProp.

prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
# get Name
prop_name = prop.GetName()
print(prop_name)                # Box
# set name
prop.SetName( "new_name" )
# set Transform key
control = prop.GetControl("Transform")
transform = RLPy.RTransform.IDENTITY
transform.T().x = 100.0
transform.T().y = 100.0
transform.T().z = 100.0
control.SetValue(RLPy.RTime(0), transform)

# set Parent
result = prop.SetParent(prop2)
result = prop.SetParent(None) #detach from parent
# link to &  unlink
result = prop.LinkTo(prop2, RLPy.RTime(0))
result = prop.UnLink(RLPy.RTime(0))
#get bound
ret_max = RLPy.RVector3()
ret_center = RLPy.RVector3()
ret_min = RLPy.RVector3()
ret = prop.GetBounds( ret_max, ret_center, ret_min )
#get pivot
ret_pos = RLPy.RVector3()
ret_rot = RLPy.RVector3()
prop.GetPivot( ret_pos, ret_rot )

#clone object
clone_prop = prop.Clone()
print( clone_prop )
#is selected
print(prop.IsSelected()) #True

Member Functions

GetMaterialComponent ( self )

Get the prop's Material Component, used to adjust the prop's material settings.

See Also: RIMaterialComponent


Material component of the prop - RIMaterialComponent
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
# get component
material_component = prop.GetMaterialComponent()
mesh_list = prop.GetMeshNames()
mesh_name = mesh_list[0]
material_list = material_component.GetMaterialNames(mesh_name)
material_name = material_list[0]
# Modify material light - ambient channel
ambient_color = RLPy.RRgb.RED
# Create Key
key = RLPy.RKey()
material_component.AddAmbientKey(key, mesh_name, material_name, ambient_color)
print(material_component.GetAmbientColor(mesh_name, material_name))

GetMorphComponent ( self )

Get the prop's Morph Component, used to adjust the prop's morph targets.

See Also: RIMorphComponent


Morph component of the prop - RIMorphComponent
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
# get component
morph_component = prop.GetMorphComponent()
result = morph_component.AddKey( "your_mesh_name", "your_morph_name", RLPy.RTime(67),  0.5, False, False )
f_ret_weight = 0
return_list = morph_component.GetWeight( "your_mesh_name", "your_morph_name", RLPy.RTime(67), f_ret_weight )
f_ret_weight = return_list[1]
print(f_ret_weight) # is 0.5
result = morph_component.RemoveAllKeys("your_mesh_name", "your_morph_name")
morph_names = morph_component.GetMorphNames("your_mesh_name")

GetSkeletonComponent ( self )

Get the prop's Skeleton Component, used for retrieving bone or clip related data.

See Also: RISkeletonComponent


Skeleton component for the prop - RISkeletonComponent
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
# get component
bone = prop.GetSkeletonComponent()
# get selected bone
selected_bones = bone.GetSelectedBones()
# get root bone
root_bone = bone.GetRootBone()

IsDummy ( self )

Check whether or not the prop is a Dummy object.

See Also: SetDummy


Whether or not the prop is a Dummy object - bool
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
# dummy
prop.SetDummy( True )
is_dummy = prop.IsDummy()
print( is_dummy )  #True

SetDummy ( self, bIsDummy )

Set the Dummy state for the prop.

See Also: IsDummy


bIsDummy [IN] Whether to set as Dummy object - bool


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
# dummy
prop.SetDummy( True )
is_dummy = prop.IsDummy()
print( is_dummy )  #True

SetPivot ( self, kPosition, kOrientation )

Set the transforma values for the prop's pivot point.


kPosition [IN] Pivot position for the prop - RVector3
kOrientation [IN] Pivot orientation for the prop - RVector3


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
#set pivot
pos = RLPy.RVector3( 10, 10, 10 )
rot = RLPy.RVector3( 0, 0, 0 )
ret = prop.SetPivot( pos, rot )

SetVisible ( self, kTime, bVisible )

Set the prop's visibility at a given point in time.


kTime [IN] Specifies the time to set visible - RTime
bVisible [IN] Visible status - bool


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
prop = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Box")
ret = prop.SetVisible( RLPy.RTime( 67 ), false )