IC Python API:RLPy RFileIO

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Main article: Modules.

Detailed Description

This class provides I/O operations on the scene files.

# load project file
file_path = "c:/myProject.iProject"

# load object
object = RLPy.RFileIO.LoadObject("C:/CC_Standard_Neutral.iavatar")
print(type(object)) #RLPy.RIAvatar

object = RLPy.RFileIO.LoadObject("C:/Arc_001.iProp")
print(type(object)) #RLPy.RIProp

Member Functions


RLPy.RFileIO.LoadAlembicFile ( spObject, strFilePath, eUpAxis )

Import the alembic file from the given file into the current scene.


spObject [IN] target object - RLPy.RIObject

strFilePath [IN] file path - string

eUpAxis [IN] coordinate axis - RLPy.ECoordinateAxis

  • RLPy.ECoordinateAxis_X
  • RLPy.ECoordinateAxis_NegativeX
  • RLPy.ECoordinateAxis_Y
  • RLPy.ECoordinateAxis_NegativeY
  • RLPy.ECoordinateAxis_Z
  • RLPy.ECoordinateAxis_NegativeZ

Return Values

RLPy.RStatus.Success Success

RLPy.RStatus.Failure Fail


RLPy.RFileIO.LoadFile ( strFilePath )

Import the scene elements from the given file into the current scene. Current supported file types: All iClone supported file format.


strFilePath [IN] file path - string

Return Values

RLPy.RStatus.Success Success

RLPy.RStatus.Failure Fail


RLPy.RFileIO.LoadObject ( strFilePath )

Import the scene elements from the given file into the current scene. Current supported file types: Only the file type of the object. ( Experimental API )


strFilePath [IN] file path - string

Return Values

RIObjectPtr The requested object returned as a Type.