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This class inherits public member functions from:
== Description ==
==Detailed Description==
This class is the interface to the face key in the avatar.
This class primarily manages IK skeleton controls.  This component can adjust [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]] for various body parts i.e. '''RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand'''.  [[#ProcessEffector ( )|ProcessEffector]] can be used move different parts of the body IK.
<span style="background:#ffcccc">( Experimental Class )</span> <syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
# Get face component
See Also: [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]], [[#ProcessEffector ( )|ProcessEffector]]
=== Inheritance ===
[[IC_Python_API:RLPy_RIBase|RIBase]] > [[IC_Python_API:RLPy_RIHikEffectorComponent|RIHikEffectorComponent]]  
== Related Enumerations ==
=== EHikEffector ===
!IK Effector Type
|Left Hand
|Left Elbow
|Left Shoulder
|Right Hand
|Right Elbow
|Right Shoulder
|Left Foot
|Left Knee
|Left Hip
|Right Foot
|Right Knee
|Right Hip
|Chest Origin
|Left Toe
|Left Finger Base
|Right Finger Base
|Left Hand Thumb
|Left Hand Index
|Left Hand Middle
|Left Hand Ring
|Left Hand Pinky
|Left Hand Extra Finger
|Right Hand Thumb
|Right Hand Index
|Right Hand Middle
|Right Hand Ring
|Right Hand Pinky
|Right Hand Extra Finger
|Left Foot Thumb
|Left Foot Index
|Left Foot Middle
|Left Foot Ring
|Left Foot Pinky
|Left Foot Extra Finger
|Right Foot Thumb
|Right Foot Index
|Right Foot Middle
|Right Foot Ring
|Right Foot Pinky
|Right Foot Extra Finger
=== EHikEffectorType ===
!IK Effector Activation Type
== Member Functions ==
=== SetActive ( self, eEffector, eType, bActive ) ===
Set the translational or rotational active state for a given IK effector.
See Also: [[#GetActive ( self, eEffector, eType )|GetActive]]
==== Parameters ====
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector on different parts of the character - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
:'''eType''' [IN] Set activation type as either translational or rotational - [[#EHikEffectorType|EHikEffectorType]]
:'''bActive''' [IN] Activate or deactivate the IK effector - bool
==== Return ====
:Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
:Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
avatar = avatar_list[0]
face_component = avatar.GetFaceComponent()
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Add facial clip
# Activate left hand effector
time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()
clip_name = "New Clip"
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate, True)
clip_length = RLPy.RTime(50)
result = face_component.AddClip(time, clip_name, clip_length)
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate, True)
# Get current facial key
=== GetActive ( self, eEffector, eType ) ===
head = RLPy.FloatVector()
left_eye = RLPy.FloatVector()
right_eye = RLPy.FloatVector()
morph = RLPy.FloatVector()
custom = RLPy.FloatVector()
bone = RLPy.FloatVector()
weight = 0.0
result = face_component.GetKey(time, head, left_eye, right_eye, morph, custom, bone, weight)
print(result[0]) # RStatus: result[0]
print(result[1]) # weight: result[1]
print(head) # head weight
print(left_eye) # left eye weight
print(right_eye) # right eye weight
print(morph) # morph weight
print(custom) # custom weight
print(bone) # bone weight
#Add expression key
Get the translational or rotational active state of a given IK effector.
morph = RLPy.FloatVector()
bone = RLPy.FloatVector()
custom = RLPy.FloatVector()
result = face_component.AddExpressionKey( RLPy.RTime( 0 ), morph, bone, custom, 1 )
#Add eye key
See Also: [[#SetActive ( self, eEffector, eType, bActive )|SetActive]]
eye_l = [ 0.2, 0.2 ] #[ Horizontal, Vertical ]
eye_r = [ 0.2, 0.2 ] #[ Horizontal, Vertical ]
result = face_component.AddEyeKey( RLPy.RTime( 0 ), eye_l, eye_r )
#Add head key
==== Parameters ====
result = face_component.AddHeadKey( RLPy.RTime( 0 ), [ 0.1, 0.4, 0.8 ] ) #[ Vertical, Horizontal, Tilt ]
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector for different parts of the character - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
:'''eType''' [IN] Query type of either translational or rotational - [[#EHikEffectorType|EHikEffectorType]]
==== Returns ====
:'''True''' if the IK effector is active, else '''False'''.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Get human IK effector active status with translate/rotate type
print(hik_effector_component.GetActive(RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate))
print(hik_effector_component.GetActive(RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate))
==Member Functions==
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
RLPy.RIFaceComponent.AddClip ( self, kTime, strName, kLength )
Add facial clip.
<span style="background:#ffcccc">( Experimental API )</span>
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''kTime''' [IN] The time at which to add the clip - RLPy.RTime
=== SetLock ( self, eEffector, eType, bLock ) ===
'''strName''' [IN] Clip name - string
Set the lock state of a given IK effector and transformation type (rotation or translation).
'''kLength''' [IN] Clip length - RLPy.RTime
See Also: [[#GetLock ( self, eEffector, eType )|GetLock]]
====Return Values====
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''RLPy.RStatus.Success''' Success
==== Parameters ====
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector on different parts of the character - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
:'''eType''' [IN] Set the lock type as either translational or rotational - [[#EHikEffectorType|EHikEffectorType]]
:'''bLock''' [IN] Lock for the IK effector - bool
'''RLPy.RStatus.Failure''' Fail
==== Return ====
:Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
:Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
RLPy.RIFaceComponent.AddExpressionKey ( self, kTime, kMorph, kBone, kCustom, fStrength )
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Set effector translate lock
result = hik_effector_component.SetLock(
RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate, True);
# Set effector rotate lock
result = hik_effector_component.SetLock(
RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate, True);
Add an head key in Facial Layer.
<span style="background:#ffcccc">( Experimental API )</span>
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''kTime''' [IN] The time at which to add the key - RLPy.RTime
=== GetLock ( self, eEffector, eType ) ===
'''kMorph''' [IN] Morph weight - float
Get the lock status of a given IK effector and transformation type (rotation or translation).
'''kCustom''' [IN] Custom weight - float
See Also: [[#SetLock ( self, eEffector, eType, bLock )|SetLock]]
'''kBone''' [IN] Bone weight - float
==== Parameters ====
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector for the different parts of the character - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
:'''eType''' [IN] Query type of either rotational or translational - [[#EHikEffectorType|EHikEffectorType]]
'''fStrength''' [IN] The strength of expression - float
==== Returns ====
:'''True''' if human IK effector is locked, else '''False'''.
====Return Values====
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''RLPy.RStatus.Success''' Success
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Get effector translate lock
is_lock = hik_effector_component.GetLock(
RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate);
'''RLPy.RStatus.Failure''' Fail
# Get effector rotate lock
is_lock = hik_effector_component.GetLock(
RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate);
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
RLPy.RIFaceComponent.AddEyeKey ( self, kTime, kLeftEye, kRightEye )
Add an eye key in Facial Layer.
<span style="background:#ffcccc">( Experimental API )</span>
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''kTime''' [IN] The time at which to add the key - RLPy.RTime
=== SetPosition ( self, eEffector, kPosition ) ===
'''kLeftEye''' [IN] Left eye weight - float
Sets the movement (translation) of an IK effector for a body part, given an [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]] and a Vector3 for the X, Y, Z positions.
'''kRightEye''' [IN] Right eye weight - float
==== Parameters ====
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector for different parts of the character. - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
====Return Values====
:'''kPosition''' [IN] Position Data - [[IC_Python_API:RLPy_RVector3|RVector3]]
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''RLPy.RStatus.Success''' Success
==== Return ====
:Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
:Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
'''RLPy.RStatus.Failure''' Fail
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
RLPy.RIFaceComponent.AddHeadKey ( self, kTime, kHead )
# Process left hand data to effector
pos = RLPy.RVector3.ZERO
result = hik_effector_component.SetPosition(
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, pos)
Add an head key in Facial Layer.
<span style="background:#ffcccc">( Experimental API )</span>
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''kTime''' [IN] The time at which to add the key - RLPy.RTime
=== SetPosition ( self, eEffector, kWorldMatrix, bRotateActive, bTranslateActive ) ===
'''kHead''' [IN] Head rotate weight - float
Sets the movement and rotation of an IK effector for a body part, given an [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]] and world transform 4x4 matrix.  This functions has the option to include/exclude rotations and translations.
====Return Values====
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''RLPy.RStatus.Success''' Success
==== Parameters ====
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector on different parts of the character - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
:'''kWorldMatrix''' [IN] World-space transformational matrix - [[IC_Python_API:RLPy_RMatrix4|RMatrix4]]
:'''bRotateActive''' [IN] Whether to enable the IK rotations - bool
:'''bTranslateActive''' [IN] Whether to enable the IK translations - bool
'''RLPy.RStatus.Failure''' Fail
==== Return ====
:Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
:Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
RLPy.RIFaceComponent.GetKey ( self, kTime, kHead, kLeftEye, kRightEye, kMorph, kBone, kCustom, fStrength )
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Set Effector rotation and position with matrix
matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4()
result = hik_effector_component.SetPosition(
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, matrix, true, true ); //enable R & T
Get facial key with expressiveness.
<span style="background:#ffcccc">( Experimental API )</span>
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
'''kTime''' [IN] The time at which to get the key - RLPy.RTime
=== ProcessEffector ( ) ===
'''kHead''' [OUT] Head weight - float
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Activate left hand effector
# Process left hand data to effector
pos_1 = RLPy.RVector3.UNIT_X
pos_2 = RLPy.RVector3.UNIT_Y
position_data = [pos_1, pos_2]
result = hik_effector_component.ProcessEffector(position_data)
'''kLeftEye''' [OUT] Left eye weight - float
=== Solve ( self, eEffector, kEffectorWorldMatrix ) ===
'''kRightEye''' [OUT] Right eye weight - float
Given an IK effector body part ( [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]] ) and a transformation 4x4 matrix, return the IK effector matrix data for the entire body after having transformed the given body part.
'''kMorph''' [INOUT Morph weight - float
==== Parameters ====
:'''eEffector''' [IN] IK effector for different parts of the character - [[#EHikEffector|EHikEffector]]
:'''kEffectorWorldMatrix''' [IN] Transformational matrix to move and rotate the Human IK effector. - [[IC_Python_API:RLPy_RMatrix4|RMatrix4]]
'''kBone''' [OUT] Bone weight - float
==== Return ====
:The entire body's IK effector matrix data.
'''kCustom''' [OUT] Custom weight - float
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
'''fStrength''' [OUT] The strength of expression - float
# Set effector matrix and get full body IK matrix data
matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4()
====Return Values====
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
result = hik_effector_component.Solve( RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, matrix );
'''RLPy.RStatus.Success''' Success
=== SetBodyWeight ( self, fWeight ) ===
'''RLPy.RStatus.Failure''' Fail
Sets the amount of influence IK effectors have on the entire body IK, from 0 to 1.  A value of 0 means the IK system is driven by body parts, while 1 sets the IK effectors to full body influence.
==== Parameters ====
:'''fWeight''' [IN] Weight value - float [0.0,1.0]
==== Return ====
:Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
:Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line='line'>
# Get human IK component
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
# Set effector body weight
hik_effector_component.SetBodyWeight(1); # 0.0~1.0

Latest revision as of 00:05, 17 April 2020

Main article: Modules.
Last modified: 04/17/2020


This class primarily manages IK skeleton controls. This component can adjust EHikEffector for various body parts i.e. RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand. ProcessEffector can be used move different parts of the body IK.

See Also: EHikEffector, ProcessEffector


RIBase > RIHikEffectorComponent 

Related Enumerations


IK Effector Type Description
RLPy.EHikEffector_Invalid Invalid
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand Left Hand
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftElbow Left Elbow
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftShoulder Left Shoulder
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHand Right Hand
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightElbow Right Elbow
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightShoulder Right Shoulder
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFoot Left Foot
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftKnee Left Knee
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHip Left Hip
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFoot Right Foot
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightKnee Right Knee
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHip Right Hip
RLPy.EHikEffector_Hip Hip
RLPy.EHikEffector_Head Head
RLPy.EHikEffector_Neck Neck
RLPy.EHikEffector_ChestOrigin Chest Origin
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftToe Left Toe
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightToe RightToe
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFingerBase Left Finger Base
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFingerBase Right Finger Base
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHandThumb Left Hand Thumb
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHandIndex Left Hand Index
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHandMiddle Left Hand Middle
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHandRing Left Hand Ring
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHandPinky Left Hand Pinky
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHandExtraFinger Left Hand Extra Finger
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHandThumb Right Hand Thumb
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHandIndex Right Hand Index
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHandMiddle Right Hand Middle
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHandRing Right Hand Ring
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHandPinky Right Hand Pinky
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightHandExtraFinger Right Hand Extra Finger
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFootThumb Left Foot Thumb
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFootIndex Left Foot Index
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFootMiddle Left Foot Middle
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFootRing Left Foot Ring
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFootPinky Left Foot Pinky
RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftFootExtraFinger Left Foot Extra Finger
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFootThumb Right Foot Thumb
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFootIndex Right Foot Index
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFootMiddle Right Foot Middle
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFootRing Right Foot Ring
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFootPinky Right Foot Pinky
RLPy.EHikEffector_RightFootExtraFinger Right Foot Extra Finger
RLPy.EHikEffector_Quantity Quantity


IK Effector Activation Type Description
EHikEffectorType_Translate Translate
EHikEffectorType_Rotate Rotate

Member Functions

SetActive ( self, eEffector, eType, bActive )

Set the translational or rotational active state for a given IK effector.

See Also: GetActive


eEffector [IN] IK effector on different parts of the character - EHikEffector
eType [IN] Set activation type as either translational or rotational - EHikEffectorType
bActive [IN] Activate or deactivate the IK effector - bool


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 6 # Activate left hand effector
 7 hik_effector_component.SetActive(
 8 RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate, True)
 9 hik_effector_component.SetActive(
10 RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate, True)

GetActive ( self, eEffector, eType )

Get the translational or rotational active state of a given IK effector.

See Also: SetActive


eEffector [IN] IK effector for different parts of the character - EHikEffector
eType [IN] Query type of either translational or rotational - EHikEffectorType


True if the IK effector is active, else False.
1 # Get human IK component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
6 # Get human IK effector active status with translate/rotate type
7 print(hik_effector_component.GetActive(RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate))
8 print(hik_effector_component.GetActive(RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate))

SetLock ( self, eEffector, eType, bLock )

Set the lock state of a given IK effector and transformation type (rotation or translation).

See Also: GetLock


eEffector [IN] IK effector on different parts of the character - EHikEffector
eType [IN] Set the lock type as either translational or rotational - EHikEffectorType
bLock [IN] Lock for the IK effector - bool


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 6 # Set effector translate lock
 7 result = hik_effector_component.SetLock(
 8 RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate, True);
 9 print(result)
11 # Set effector rotate lock
12 result = hik_effector_component.SetLock(
13 RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate, True);
14 print(result)

GetLock ( self, eEffector, eType )

Get the lock status of a given IK effector and transformation type (rotation or translation).

See Also: SetLock


eEffector [IN] IK effector for the different parts of the character - EHikEffector
eType [IN] Query type of either rotational or translational - EHikEffectorType


True if human IK effector is locked, else False.
 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 6 # Get effector translate lock
 7 is_lock = hik_effector_component.GetLock(
 8 RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Translate);
 9 print(is_lock)
11 # Get effector rotate lock
12 is_lock = hik_effector_component.GetLock(
13 RLPy.EHikEffector_Head, RLPy.EHikEffectorType_Rotate);
14 print(is_lock)

SetPosition ( self, eEffector, kPosition )

Sets the movement (translation) of an IK effector for a body part, given an EHikEffector and a Vector3 for the X, Y, Z positions.


eEffector [IN] IK effector for different parts of the character. - EHikEffector
kPosition [IN] Position Data - RVector3


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 6 # Process left hand data to effector
 7 pos = RLPy.RVector3.ZERO
 8 result = hik_effector_component.SetPosition(
 9 RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, pos)
10 print(result)

SetPosition ( self, eEffector, kWorldMatrix, bRotateActive, bTranslateActive )

Sets the movement and rotation of an IK effector for a body part, given an EHikEffector and world transform 4x4 matrix. This functions has the option to include/exclude rotations and translations.


eEffector [IN] IK effector on different parts of the character - EHikEffector
kWorldMatrix [IN] World-space transformational matrix - RMatrix4
bRotateActive [IN] Whether to enable the IK rotations - bool
bTranslateActive [IN] Whether to enable the IK translations - bool


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 6 # Set Effector rotation and position with matrix
 7 matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4()
 8 matrix.MakeIdentity()
 9 result = hik_effector_component.SetPosition(
10 RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, matrix, true, true ); //enable R & T 
11 print(result)

ProcessEffector ( )

 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 5 # Activate left hand effector
 6 hik_effector_component.ActivateEffector(RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand)
 7 print(hik_effector_component.GetEffectorActive(RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand))
 8 # Process left hand data to effector
 9 pos_1 = RLPy.RVector3.UNIT_X
10 pos_2 = RLPy.RVector3.UNIT_Y
11 position_data = [pos_1, pos_2]
12 result = hik_effector_component.ProcessEffector(position_data)
13 print(result)

Solve ( self, eEffector, kEffectorWorldMatrix )

Given an IK effector body part ( EHikEffector ) and a transformation 4x4 matrix, return the IK effector matrix data for the entire body after having transformed the given body part.


eEffector [IN] IK effector for different parts of the character - EHikEffector
kEffectorWorldMatrix [IN] Transformational matrix to move and rotate the Human IK effector. - RMatrix4


The entire body's IK effector matrix data.
 1 # Get human IK component
 2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
 3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
 4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
 6 # Set effector matrix and get full body IK matrix data
 7 matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4()
 8 matrix.MakeIdentity()
 9 result = hik_effector_component.Solve( RLPy.EHikEffector_LeftHand, matrix );
10 print(result)

SetBodyWeight ( self, fWeight )

Sets the amount of influence IK effectors have on the entire body IK, from 0 to 1. A value of 0 means the IK system is driven by body parts, while 1 sets the IK effectors to full body influence.


fWeight [IN] Weight value - float [0.0,1.0]


Success - RLPy.RStatus.Success
Failure - RLPy.RStatus.Failure
1 # Get human IK component
2 avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
3 avatar = avatar_list[0]
4 hik_effector_component = avatar.GetHikEffectorComponent()
6 # Set effector body weight
7 hik_effector_component.SetBodyWeight(1); # 0.0~1.0