IC Python API:RLPy RIObject
- Main article: Modules.
- Last modified: 04/8/2020
This class is used to access the bone node parameters in a character skeleton or object. Retrievable parameters include name, ID, parent node, list of child nodes, and more. Use Update to get the world-transform values of the bone node for the current point in time.
RIBase > RIObject > RIAvatar / RICamera / RIParticle / RIProp RIObject > RILight > RISpotLight / RIPointLight / RIDirectionalLight
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
Member Functions
GetName ( self )
Get the name of the bone node in a character skeleton or scene object.
- Name of the bone node - str
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone name
bone_name = bone_node.GetName()
GetID ( self )
Get the ID of the bone node in a character skeleton or scene object.
- ID of the bone node - int
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone ID
bone_id = bone_node.GetID()
GetParent ( self )
Get the parent bone of the bone node in a character skeleton or scene object. If a parent does not exist, then return None.
See Also: GetChildren
- Parent bone node - RINode
- No parent bone node - None
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone parent bone
parent_bone = bone_node.GetParent()
GetChildren ( self )
Get a list of child bones for a bone node in a character skeleton or scene object. If this bone node does not have child bones, then return None.
See Also: GetParent
- List of child bone nodes - RINode list
- No child bones - None
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone children bone list
children_bone_list = bone_node.GetChildren()
LocalTransform ( self )
Get the local-transform for a bone node in a character skeleton or scene object.
See Also: WorldTransform
- Bone node local-transform - RTransform
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone local transform
local_transform = bone_node.LocalTransform()
WorldTransform ( self )
Get the world-transform for a bone node in a character skeleton or scene object.
See Also: LocalTransform
- Bone node world-transform - RTransform
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone world transform
world_transform = bone_node.WorldTransform()
WorldToLocal ( self, kWorldMatrix )
Convert the world-transform matrix for a bone node in a character skeleton or scene object to local-transform matrix.
See Also: LocalToWorld
- kWorldMatrix [IN] Character bone node world-transform matrix - RMatrix4
- Bone node local-transform matrix - RMatrix4
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Transfer root bone world transform matrix to local transform matrix
world_transform = bone_node.WorldTransform()
world_matrix = world_transform.Matrix()
world_to_local = bone.WorldToLocal(world_matrix)
LocalToWorld ( self, kLocalMatrix )
Convert the local-transform matrix for a bone node in a character skeleton or scene object to world-transform matrix.
See Also: WorldToLocal
- kLocalMatrix [IN] Character bone node local-transform matrix - RMatrix4
- Bone node world-transform matrix - RMatrix4
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Transfer root bone local transform matrix to world transform matrix
local_transform = bone_node.LocalTransform()
local_matrix = local_transform.Matrix()
local_to_world = bone.LocalToWorld(local_matrix)
Update ( self )
Update the Transform Control for a bone node in a character skelecton or scene object and update the scene. After the update, the Transform Control's key values will reflect the world-transform values of the bone node for the current point in time.
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()
# Get root bone child node world transform rotation x-axis value
motion_bones = skeleton_component.GetMotionBones()
child = motion_bones[1]
child_world = child.WorldTransform()
child_rot_x = child_world.R().x
# Set float control rotation x-axis value
animation_clip = skeleton_component.GetClip(0)
root_control = animation_clip.GetControl("Layer", root)
data_block = root_control.GetDataBlock()
float_control_rotate_x = data_block.GetControl("Rotation/RotationX")
float_control_rotate_x.SetValue(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime(), math.radians(60))
# Update root bone with float control
# Get root bone child node world transform rotation x-axis value after updated
new_child_world = child.WorldTransform()
after_update_child_rot_x = new_child_world.R().x