IC Python API:RLPy RIObject

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Main article: Modules.
Last modified: 03/31/2020


This class is used to access the bone node parameters for a character skeleton or object. Retrievable parameters include name, ID, parent node, child nodes (list), etc. Use Update to get the world transform values for the bone node for the current point in time.

# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

Member Functions

GetName ( self )

Get the name of the bone node of a character skeleton or scene object.


Name of the bone node - str
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone name
bone_name = bone_node.GetName()

GetID ( self )

Get the ID of the bone node of a character skeleton or scene object.


ID of the bone node - int
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone ID
bone_id = bone_node.GetID()

GetParent ( self )

Get the parent bone of the bone node of a character skeleton or scene object.

See Also: GetChildren


Parent bone node - RINode
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone parent bone
parent_bone = bone_node.GetParent()

GetChildren ( self )

Get a list of child bones for a bone node of a character skeleton or scene object.

See Also: GetParent


List of child bone nodes - RINode list
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone children bone list
children_bone_list = bone_node.GetChildren()

LocalTransform ( self )

Get the local-transform for a bone node of a character skeleton or scene object.

See Also: WorldTransform


Bone node local-transform - RTransform
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone local transform
local_transform = bone_node.LocalTransform()

WorldTransform ( self )

Get the world-transform for a bone node of a character skeleton or scene object.

See Also: LocalTransform


Bone node world-transform - RTransform
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone world transform
world_transform = bone_node.WorldTransform()

WorldToLocal ( self, kWorldMatrix )

Convert the world-transform matrix for a bone node of a character skeleton or scene object to local-transform matrix.

See Also: LocalToWorld


kWorldMatrix [IN] Character bone node world-transform matrix - RMatrix4


Bone node local-transform matrix - RMatrix4
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Transfer root bone world transform matrix to local transform matrix
world_transform = bone_node.WorldTransform()
world_matrix = world_transform.Matrix()  
world_to_local = bone.WorldToLocal(world_matrix)

LocalToWorld ( self, kLocalMatrix )

Convert the local-transform matrix for a bone node of a character skeleton or scene object to world-transform matrix.

See Also: WorldToLocal


kLocalMatrix [IN] Character bone node local-transform matrix - RMatrix4


Bone node world-transform matrix - RMatrix4
# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Transfer root bone local transform matrix to world transform matrix
local_transform = bone_node.LocalTransform()
local_matrix = local_transform.Matrix()     
local_to_world = bone.LocalToWorld(local_matrix)

Update ( self )

Update the Transform Control for a bone node of a character skelecton or scene object. After the update, the Transform Control's key value will reflect the world-transform values of the bone node for the current point in time.

# Get root bone node
avatar_list = RLPy.RScene.GetAvatars()
avatar = avatar_list[0]
skeleton_component = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
bone_node = skeleton_component.GetRootBone()

# Get root bone child node world transform rotation x-axis value
motion_bones = skeleton_component.GetMotionBones()
child = motion_bones[1]
child_world = child.WorldTransform()
child_rot_x = child_world.R().x

# Set float control rotation x-axis value
animation_clip = skeleton_component.GetClip(0)
root_control = animation_clip.GetControl("Layer", root)
data_block = root_control.GetDataBlock()
float_control_rotate_x = data_block.GetControl("Rotation/RotationX")
float_control_rotate_x.SetValue(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime(), math.radians(60))

# Update root bone with float control

# Get root bone child node world transform rotation x-axis value after updated
new_child_world = child.WorldTransform()
after_update_child_rot_x = new_child_world.R().x